We provide wide array of services to the Criminal Justice Community

The Outpatient Treatment program
Provides individual psychotherapy, family therapy and group therapy that is driven by an Individualized Service Plan (ISP). A variety of needs may be addressed such as anger management, oppositional defiant behaviors, domestic violence, relationships, legal Issues, and psychological Issues.

The OP
Can function as a step-down program for individuals who are going through active detoxification, transferring from partial hospitalization, or those who may be receiving residential services. IOP services may be used to prevent or minimize the need for a more restrictive level of treatment. Each group completes a series of skills over a twelve week period.

Intensive Outpatient Treatment (IOP)
Provides substance abuse treatment in a 3 hour group at least three times a week. The group contains no more than 10 people and is designed with a 12-step focus. The groups are scheduled at various times during the day to six days a week. Sunday groups are available with prior notification.

Program Areas
- Substance Abuse
- School
- Support
- Family
- Peer / Social
- Legal
- Psychiatric / Mental Health

“Mission & Vision”
Total Sentencing Alternatives Program’s Missions is to provide evidence-based practices and intensive case management to address the cognitive and emotional reasons clients engage in behavior that leads to arrest and re-offending.